Z Donation Comunity

sedang dibangun yaa,,,,, sampai siap


“Griya Comunity Empowerment (GCE)”

“Griya Comunity Empowerment (GCE)” is a nation-care group of children in order to have better understanding and self-development opportunities, easing from natural disasters and humanity. The form of social care is done directly in accordance with GCE activities, donation support or re-donation to non-binding institutions between donors and scops of selected activities.


Bentuk Kegiatan (Scops activities)

  1. Campaign Materials
  2. Child Learning Media
  3. Empowerment of Children Using Online Media
  4. Coastal community empowerment
  5.  PKL community empowerment
  6. Children’s reading Cummunity
  7. Natural Disasters Donation
  8. Humanitarian Disaster Donation
  9. etc, Others Non-binding Activities


a/n          :  NW Dewi Susanti              AC  BNI  :  0244303406


a/n            :                                              AC   BCA  :